Bathroom Safety is Vital for Aging Loved Ones Taking over as primary caregiver for an older relative can be challenging whether you live with them or not. Part of the problem is, that you can’t watch anyone every minute of the day. Moreover, regardless of whether this is a parent or even an older spouse…
Tag: Elder Care

Sharing Your Life With a Pet
Sharing Your Life With a Pet At a time in life when its difficult to get your loved one to remember to eat or take their medications, it may seem counterintuitive to consider adding a pet to mom or dad’s list of responsibilities, but the truth is there is plenty of documentation out there supporting…

The Importance of Exercise
There are a lot of misconceptions out there when it comes to exercising past a certain age. In fact, one out of four people between the ages of 65 and 74 exercises regularly. Many people believe that they are too old, too out of shape or too sick to work out at all, and that…

Stay Safe in the Hot Weather
We all tend to suffer through the hot weather, and with this summer reaching record highs and humidity, conditions can be especially dangerous for the elderly and the infirm. For those people who additionally suffer from chronic conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, making it through this dangerous weather unscathed takes more than just…