Caring for the Elderly this Winter

Caring for the Elderly this Winter


The holidays are a joyous time of year filled with many great memories to be had and family fun, but in this part of the country, the holidays often come with frigid temperatures, treacherous snow, and dangerous ice brought on by the winter season. Concurrently, during this time of year, we often find ourselves as grown children rushing, taking on more tasks throughout the day, and leaving very little time to visit and care for the elderly loved ones in our lives. If you are taking on a bit more than you can handle this season and find yourself not having the free time to take care of elderly loved ones, contact the loving team of At Home Senior Care with our licensed home care, companion care, and 24-hour monitoring. Here are our top 5 dangers to watch out for and help seniors safe during the incoming winter weather.



Each year, those who die from hypothermia are 50% more likely to be at least 65 years old. The elderly, due to less fat and slower circulation and metabolism, are much more susceptible to the dangers of hypothermia brought on by cold winter temperatures. Surprisingly, a senior can even become hypothermic while indoors. Setting the thermostat to at least 66 degrees and making sure the elderly are dressed properly can greatly reduce indoor hypothermia.


Similarly, seniors are more prone to the ill effects of dehydration. It is a known fact that humans, in general, feel thirst less in the winter than any other season and seniors are no different. Make sure your elderly loved one is drinking consistently throughout the day by providing measured water canteens.


Linked to bone health, diabetes and even cancer prevention, Vitamin D plays a vital role in the health of everyone, including senior citizens. Vitamin D is a vital nutrient in our diets and lacking in this vitamin is common in the winter months due to a lower exposure to the sun’s rays. Suggest your elderly love one to begin a Vitamin D-fortified diet, focusing on foods that include an extra dose of Vitamin D such as yogurt, egg yolks, tuna or salmon, and cheese.


This winter, temperatures can drop below 20 degrees during the overnight hours. To get the chill out of the air instantly, many refer to a powerful space heater. While safe to use when properly maintained, positioned and monitored, Space Heaters can cause fires or high levels of carbon monoxide (gas-powered) in the blink of an eye. Keep all heathers away from clothes, window treatments, and furniture,


With winter comes snow and with snow comes ice. Slick sidewalks and outdoor steps can pose a huge threat to seniors who do not properly take care of them during snow storms or after a cold night following a rainstorm. Snow is not something many elderly can handle on their own so make sure to hire an outside service to help. Provide your loved ones with proper shoes during this time of year to not only stay cold but also avoid accidental falls.


This holiday season and beyond, do what you can to help your aging loved one get into the holiday spirit and enjoy the festivities without stressing yourself and other family members. Enjoy your loved ones this holiday season with the help of At Home Senior Care’s licensed home care, companion care, and 24-hour monitoring that is Medicaid approved and partners with managed long-term companies such as Home First, North Shore/North Well, Aetna, United Health, GuiltNet and more! We are insured, bonded, perform extensive criminal background checks on all employees and verify all employment documentation thoroughly. The choice is clear; contact us today at 855-419-3109


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